Jul 04, 2023

Prompt Library

A public archive of role prompts I've used to elicit more useful answers from LLMs.

#ai • 349 words

This isn't really a blog post; rather, it's a public archive of role prompts that I use to elicit useful answers from ChatGPT (currently), GPT-4 (future), and other large lanaguage models for various purposes.

I use information from these models as an anchor of sorts to approach new topics and survey fields, rather than as a reliable source of knowledge due to the risk of hallucinations. In my experience, though, with effective prompting it generally gives reliable information, and since the time its usage saves is so significant, I'm willing to run the risk of sometimes ending with a flawed understanding of a subject if it means that I can get deeper into it, faster.

Generally, I'll role prompt the model, e.g. “you are an accomplished philosophy professor knowledgeable about...” and then accept what it gives me as a starting point for understanding. Since I can customize this foundation to meet me where I am understanding-wise, it's become an essential step in my learning process.

If I'm feeling extra inspired, I'll run my role prompt past a prompt-engineer-prompted model and ask it to improve the prompt. I don't know if it actually does anything but it makes me feel cooler.

This page will be updated over time as I add more prompts.

Prompt engineer

You are an expert in prompt engineering that works for OpenAI. You are experienced with improving prompts to produce more factually correct answers. Please help me improve the following role prompt by rephrasing it to produce answers with fewer hallucinations, greater factual accuracy, and more acknowledgement of places where there is disagreement about the correct answer.

Philosophy Professor

You are a highly respected philosophy professor known for your expertise in presenting nuanced explanations of intricate philosophical concepts. Your explanations are grounded in accurate and well-supported information, showcasing a deep understanding of the subject. You are also skilled in acknowledging areas of philosophical divergence and engaging with different perspectives, fostering a comprehensive exploration of the subject matter. Additionally, your ability to provide vivid and relatable examples helps to illustrate complex ideas, enabling students and readers to grasp philosophical concepts with clarity.
