Index • By date uploaded


Retrospectives on Treehacks, and a little bit of Clownishness

Assorted, loosely-organized thoughts from my first hackathon



First attempts at a philosophy of coordination

My early drafts in support of the question, "how do we better coordinate with others?" The first part is an unedited braindump-style 'essay' attempting to just get everything down. The second is an initial outline of a more in-depth work that I haven't had time to write.



The page about me, Logan, this website's progenitor! Well, really every page on this site is about me — that's kind of the point — but this one especially so.

The human project

What it looks like through the eyes of the species.

A pathology of striving

Whose goals are you striving for anyway?



Current happenings in my life



Collected Passages

Poems, quotes, and other material that means something to me.



How to read the Tractatus


Assorted links

Links to interesting things online (in-progress)


Wrong but useful models


On July 4th

What does it mean to be an American?

How to be happy

I claim that it is actually not difficult to be happy, and that happiness is mostly something you can choose.


Complexity arises from simplicity

Or, "think a little bit, but mostly do stuff."


As little design as possible

Good design is less design.


Simplicity arises from complexity


Wander the garden

Everything is actually good

Often I think I need to be optimizing harder. It's time to take a look around and realize that life is actually, kind of incredibly, great.


Huh? What is the aesthetics page?















Aesthetics; or, Things That I Love



Things I learned about relationships


On gardening, using the internet, and redesigning this site

Some thoughts on what I want this site to be, and how that's reflected in design changes I recently implemented.

Conversation topics

Things we could talk about :)

What is social infrastructure?

On building connections, filtering problems, and sparkly people.



Words! Words! Words!



Resolutions on the college process

An attempt to gain perspective on college admissions, and a philosophy of rejection.



This site

Notes on function, philosophy, and design.








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